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“Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying. Whom shall I send and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I send me.”

                                                                           Isaiah 6:8

Pastor Gregg L. Bellard

Olive Bethel Missionary Baptist Church

Hardin, Texas


Reverend Gregg L. Bellard has been a resident of the Liberty County area all of his life.  He has been married to Kay Jones Bellard since 1983. Together they have two daughters: Candice and Izenia, and 4 grandchildren.


Rev. Bellard has preached the gospel since 1984 .  He has pastored three churches during his ministry; Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church – Dayton, TX, Mt. Zion Baptist Church – Barret Station, TX, and was installed as pastor of the Olive Bethel Missionary Baptist Church in Hardin, TX on March 25, 2007, where he currently serves as pastor.


His ministry is three-fold: Pastor, Teacher and Evangelist. Since his very first assignment from God, he has always served with enthusiasm and fire in every area of ministry. He travels constantly preaching God’s word and believing that “The grass withers and the flower fades, but the word of our God shall stand forever”.


His constant prayer through it all is – Some lost soul will be saved, some burden lifted, and our God will be glorified. 

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